Call for Nominations: 2024 Role Models in Economics Award Now Open

Dear EEA members, 

Together with Margaret Meg Meyer, Elias Papaioannou and Georg Weizsäcker, I am writing to invite you to nominate an individual for the 2024 Role Models in Economics Award.

The 2024 Award is for an economist, 45 years and younger, who is both a wonderful scholar and is making significant contributions to the academic environment and the public good in Europe in a broad sense. These contributions may included, for example, establishing and coordinating innovative academic programs (undergraduate, master, PhD); leading a department or a research center which attracts talents to Europe; setting up innovative dissemination and outreach initiatives that can positively impact the lives of people well beyond academia; exceptional mentoring to students; coordinating initiatives to help PhD students going on the junior job market; and much more. 

The winner of the Award will be announced in late Spring, and the Award will be presented to the recipient during EEA-ESEM 2024. The Award consists of a prize of 10,000 euros which the recipient will use to foster and support novel initiatives geared toward helping the careers of PhD students and junior faculty in Europe. 

Please send nominations (including self-nominations) to us through, writing “Role Models in Economics Nomination" in the subject line of your message. Please include in your nomination:

  • the name of the nominee and link to his / her website
  • a brief description of the nominee's key contributions to scholarship and to the public good in academia or policy-making in Europe.

Nominations for the award are not made public.

The closing date for nominations is April 15, 2024 (at 12:00 noon CEST).

In Europe we have many talented colleagues 45 or younger who are also “great citizens”. Let’s recognize them by submitting many nominations!!!

Best wishes, 

 Maristella Botticini (Chair, 2024 Award committee)