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Past Events

Undergraduate Economics Education in Europe

Following on from the survey of European economics departments in summer 2022 to gather information on the current state of undergraduate economics education across European institutions - what we know, and don’t know, about what is taught, how it is taught and how it is assessed,  to understand better what challenges and opportunities economics departments face when designing degrees and introductory level economics courses, for mixed student groups, the Education Committee hosted a virtual workshop on October 26, 2022, to facilitate further discussion.

EEA-ESEM Virtual 2021

Teaching and Communicating with Data 

The session was in 2 parts:

  • Contributions from professionals who routinely use economic data communication and visualisation in their working life in sectors such as the media, finance and government. The contributors outline how they prioritise, visualise and present data in their own work and the skills that are required to communicate successfully with data.

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  •  Embedding data communication skills into university economics teaching. We hosted an interactive discussion on, among other things, the development of infographic and data visualisation skills; teaching and assessing the skills of communicating to specific audiences and ideas for how to teach this material in engaging ways.

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EEA Virtual 2020

Teaching Online: What Have We learnt from the Covid-19 Natural Experiment and What Do We Want to Retain for the Long-Term?

In the Spring of 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, universities made a range of tough decisions, at various times, to close campuses and move teaching and learning online. We had to quickly learn how to use new technologies for large and small group teaching, rework our material for an online setting, rewrite assessments and find ways to remain connected with our students. We have learnt a lot. The session organised and ran by the Education Committee discussed with participants the importance to build on the lessons to adapt economics education for the future.

View session

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EEA-ESEM Lisbon 2017 and EEA-ESEM Manchester 2019

These workshops dealt with changes in the practice of economics teaching. The leaders of the workshops looked at various types of active teaching and learning that are emerging or increasingly used within economics teaching including motivational sequencing with the CORE curriculum, classroom games, the use of flipping and other uses of technology.

View 2017 workshop

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EEA Mannheim 2015

Academia to Public Policy: What Should we Teach our Students?

Charlie Bean, Andreu Mas-Colell and Chris Pissarides, the speakers in the panel, who have combined distinguished academic careers with major policy public policy roles during and after the financial crisis, the ongoing Eurozone crisis and debates about the boundaries of nation states and membership of the Eurozone and the European Union, reflected on economic education in the light of their public policy experience and discussed both the content of what is taught and the skills and habits of thought which we instil in our students.

EEA-ESEM Toulouse 2014

Undergraduate Education In Economics: What Should We Teach?

Wendy Carlin introduced CoreEcon to the audience, while Sergei Guriev talked about teaching what matters where it really matters. Paul Seabright concluded the panel with a talk on how technology was transforming the content of what was taught and how it was taught.

View panel

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