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WinE Bibliography

Research on Women in Economics

The Bibliography is ordered chronologically and alphabetically and will be updated periodically. If you wish to submit entries, please write to .

The Bibliography contains articles in academic journals and books. To view other resources (only before 2022), please visit here.

Published Papers

Babin, J. Jobu, Andrew Hussey, Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, and David A. Taylor (2020). Beauty Premiums Among Academics.  Economics of Education Review, 78, in press.

Bayer, Amanda, Syon P. Bhanot, Erin T. Bronchetti, and Stephen A. O'Connell (2020). Diagnosing the Learning Environment for Diverse Students in Introductory Economics: An Analysis of Relevance, Belonging, and Growth MindsetsAEA Papers and Proceedings, 110, 294–298.

Benjamin, Dwayne, Avi J. Cohen, and Gillian Hamilton (2020). A Pareto-Improving Way to Teach Principles of Economics: Evidence from the University of TorontoAEA Papers and Proceedings, 110, 299–303.

Card, David, Stefano DellaVigna, Patricia Funk, and Nagore Iriberri (2020). Are Referees and Editors in Economics Gender Neutral? Quarterly Journal of Economics, 135, 269–327.

García-Suaza, Andrés, Jesús Otero, and Rainer Winkelmann (2020). Predicting Early Career Productivity of PhD Economists: Does Advisor-Match Matter? Scientometrics, 122, 429–449.

Ginther, Donna K., Janet M. Currie, Francine D. Blau, and Rachel T. A. Croson (2020). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors in Economics? An Evaluation by Randomized TrialAEA Papers and Proceedings, 110, 205–209.

Heckman, James J. and Sidharth Moktan (2020). Publishing and Promotion in Economics: The Tyranny of the Top FiveJournal of Economic Literature, 58, 419–470.

Jones, Adam, Peter Schuhmann, Daniel Soques, and Allison Witman (2020). So You Want to Go to Graduate School? Factors that Influence Admissions to Economics PhD ProgramsJournal of Economic Education, 38, 1–14.

Landaud, Fanny, Son-Thierry Ly, and Éric Maurin (2020). Competitive Schools and the Gender Gap in the Choice of Field of StudyJournal of Human Resources, 55, 278–308.

Minello, Alessandra (2020). The Pandemic and the Female AcademicNature.

Myers, Kyle R., Wei Yang Tham, Yian Yin, et al. (2020). Unequal Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on ScientistsNature Human Behavior.

Porter, Catherine and Danila Serra (2020). Gender Differences in the Choice of Major: The Importance of Female Role ModelsAmerican Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12, 226– 254.

Viglione, Giuliana (2020). Are Women Publishing less During the Pandemic? Here’s What the Data SayNature, 581, 365–366.

Ahlstrom, Laura J. and Carlos J. Asarta (2019). The Gender Gap in Undergraduate Economics Course Persistence and Degree SelectionAEA Papers and Proceedings, 109, 255–260.

Anelli, Massimo and Giovanni Peri (2019). The Effects of High School Peers’ Gender on College Major, College Performance and IncomeEconomic Journal, 129, 553–602.

Bayer, Amanda and David W. Wilcox (2019). The Unequal Distribution of Economic Education: A Report on the Race, Ethnicity, and Gender of Economics Majors at U.S. Colleges and UniversitiesJournal of Economic Education, 50, 1–22.

Boustan, Leah and Andrew Langan (2019). Variation in Women’s Success Across PhD Programs in EconomicsJournal of Economic Perspectives, 33, 23–42.

Bryan, Kevin A. (2019). Young Stars in Economics: What They Do and Where They GoEconomic Inquiry, 57, 1392–1407.

Buckles, Kasey (2019). Fixing the Leaky Pipeline: Strategies for Making Economics Work for Women at Every StageJournal of Economic Perspectives, 33, 43–60.

Corsi, Marcella, Carlo D’Ippoliti, and Giulia Zacchia (2019). Diversity of Backgrounds and Ideas: The Case of Research Evaluation in EconomicsResearch Policy, 48, 103820.

Corsi, Marcella, Carlo D’Ippoliti, and Giulia Zacchia (2019). On the Evolution of the Glass Ceiling in Italian Academia: The Case of EconomicsScience in Context, 32, 411–430.

Emerson, Tisha L.N. and Kim Marie McGoldrick (2019). Switching Majors – Into and out of EconomicsJournal of Economic Education, 50, 321–332.

Juraqulova, Zarrina H., Jill J. McCluskey, and Ron C. Mittelhammer (2019). Work–Life Policies and Female Faculty Representation in US Doctoral‐Granting Economics DepartmentsIndustrial Relations Journal, 50, 168–196.

Koch, James V. and Ziniya Zahedi (2019). The Effects of Role Models on College Graduation RatesJournal of Economics and Finance, 43, 607–617.

Lundberg, Shelly and Jenna Stearns (2019). Women in Economics: Stalled ProgressJournal of Economic Perspectives, 33, 3–22.

Mengel, Friederike, Jan Sauermann, and Ulf Zölitz (2019). Gender Bias in Teaching EvaluationsJournal of the European Economic Association, 17, 535–566.

Mumford, Karen and Cristina Sechel (2019). Pay and Job Rank Among Academic Economists in the UK: Is Gender Relevant? British Journal of Industrial Relations, 58, 82–113.

Albrecht, James, Mary Ann Bronson, Peter S. Thoursie, and Susan Vroman (2018). The Career Dynamics of High-Skilled Women and Men: Evidence from SwedenEuropean Economic Review, 105, 83–102

Antecol, Heather, Kelly Bedard, and Jenna Stearn (2018). Equal but Inequitable: Who Benefits from Gender-Neutral Tenure Clock Stopping Policies? American Economic Review, 108, 2420- 2441.

Avilova, Tatyana and Claudia Goldin (2018). What Can UWE Do for Economics? AEA Review Papers and Proceedings, 108, 186–190.

Clain, Suzanne H. and Karen Leppel (2018). Patterns in Economics Journal Acceptances and RejectionsThe American Economist, 63, 94–109.

Corsi, Marcella, Carlo D'Ippoliti, and Giulia Zacchia (2018). A Case Study of Pluralism in Economics: The Heterodox Glass Ceiling in ItalyReview of Political Economy, 30, 172–189.

Emerson, Tisha L.N., Kim Marie McGoldrick, and John J. Siegfried (2018). The Gender Gap in Economics Degrees: An Investigation of the Role Model and Quantitative Requirements HypothesesSouthern Economic Journal, 84, 898–911.

Francesconi, Marco and Matthias Parey (2018). Early Gender Gaps Among University GraduatesEuropean Economic Review, 109, 63–82.

Hamermesh, Daniel S. (2018). Citations in Economics: Measurement, Uses, and ImpactsJournal of Economic Literature, 56, 115–156.

Kamas, Linda and Anne Preston (2018). Can Empathy Explain Gender Differences in Economic Policy Views in the United States? Feminist Economics, 25, 58–89.

Li, Hsueh-Hsiang (2018). Do Mentoring, Information, and Nudge Reduce the Gender Gap in Economics Majors? Economics of Education Review, 64, 165–183.

Wullum Nielsen, Matthias (2018). Scientific Performance Assessments Through a Gender Lens: A Case Study on Evaluation and Selection Practices in AcademiaScience & Technology Studies, 1, 2–30.

May, Ann Mari, Mary G McGarvey, and David Kucera (2018). Gender and European Economic Policy: A Survey of the Views of European Economists on Contemporary Economic PolicyKyklos, 71, 162–183.

Stevenson, Betsey and Hanna Zlotnick (2018). Representations of Men and Women in Introductory Economics TextbooksAEA Papers and Proceedings, 108, 180–185.

Tol, Richard S.J. (2018). Gender at Energy EconomicsEnergy Economics, 72, 558–559.

Wu, Alice H. (2018). Gendered Language on the Economics Job Market Rumors ForumAEA Papers and Proceedings, 108, 175–179.

Babcock, Linda, Maria P. Recalde, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart (2017). Gender Differences in Accepting and Receiving Requests for Tasks with Low PromotabilityAmerican Economic Review, 107, 714–747.

Bagues, Manuel, Mauro Sylos-Labini, and Natalia Zinovyeva (2017). Does the Gender Composition of Scientific Committees Matter? American Economic Review, 107, 1207–1238.

Jappelli, Tullio, Carmela A. Nappi, and Roberto Torrini (2017). Gender Effects in Research EvaluationResearch Policy, 46, 911–924.

King, Molly M., Carl T. Bergstrom, Shelley J. Correll, Jennifer Jacquet, and Jevin D. West (2017). Men Set Their Own Cites High: Gender and Self-Citation Across Fields and Over TimeSocius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 3, 1–22.

Sarsons, Heather (2017). Recognition for Group Work: Gender Differences in AcademiaAmerican Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 107, 141–145.

Abramo, Giovanni, Ciriaco D’Angelo, and Francesco Rosati (2016). Gender Bias in Academic RecruitmentScientometrics, 106, 119–141.

Bayer, Amanda, and Cecilia E. Rouse (2016). Diversity in the Economics Profession: A New Attack on an Old ProblemJournal of Economic Perspectives, 30, 221–242.

Conley, John P., Ali Sina Önder, and Benno Torgler (2016). Are All Economics Graduate Cohorts Created Equal? Gender, Job Openings, and Research ProductivityScientometrics, 108, 937–958.

Gunther, Isabel, Melanie Grosse, and Stephan Klasen (2016). How to Attract an Audience at a Conference: Paper, Person, or Place? German Economic Review, 18, 468–491.

Önder, Ali Sina and Hakan Yilmazkuday (2016). Thirty-Five Years of Peer-Reviewed Publishing by North American Economics PhDs: Quantity, Quality, and BeyondOpen Economics, 3, 70–85.

Allgood, Sam, William B. Walstad, and John J. Siegfried (2015). Research on Teaching Economics to UndergraduatesJournal of Economic Literature, 53, 285–325.

Cawley, John, Michael A. Morrisey, and Kosali L. Simon (2015). The Earnings and Consulting Income of U.S. Health Economists: Results from the 2012 Survey of the American Society of Health EconomistsAmerican Journal of Health Economics, 1, 255–274.

De Paola, Maria and Vincenzo Scoppa (2015). Gender Discrimination and Evaluators’ Gender: Evidence from Italian AcademiaEconomica, 82, 162–188.

Hilmer, Michael J., Michael R. Ransom, and Christiana E. Hilmer (2015). Fame and the Fortune of Academic Economists: How the Market Rewards Influential Research in EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal, 82, 430–452.

Leslie, Sarah-Jane, Andrei Cimpian, Meredith Meyer, and Edward Freeland (2015). Expectations of Brilliance Underlie Gender Distributions Across Academic DisciplinesScience, 347, 262–265.

Siegfried, John J. (2016). Trends in Undergraduate Economics Degrees, 1991–2014Journal of Economic Education, 47, 89–93.

Takahashi, Ana Maria and Shingo Takahashi (2015). Gender Promotion Differences in Economics Departments in Japan: A Duration AnalysisJournal of Asian Economics, 41, 1–19.

Tonin, Mirco and Wahba Jackline (2015). The Sources of the Gender Gap in Economics EnrolmentCESifo Economic Studies, 61, 72–94.

Wiswall, Matthew and Basit Zafar (2015). Determinants of College Major Choice: Identification Using an Information ExperimentReview of Economics Studies, 82, 791–824.

Anderson, Gordon, Dwayne Benjamin, and Melvyn A. Fuss (2014). The Determinants of Success in University Introductory Economics CoursesJournal of Economic Education, 25, 99–119.

Brooks, Chris, Evelyn M. Fenton, and James T. Walker (2014). Gender and the Evaluation of ResearchResearch Policy, 43, 990–1001.

Butcher, Kristin F., Patrick J. McEwan, and Akila Weerapana (2014). The Effects of an Anti- Grade-Inflation Policy at Wellesley CollegeJournal of Economic Perspectives, 28, 189–204.

Ceci, Stephen J., Donna K. Ginther, Shulamit Kahn, and Wendy M. Williams (2014). Women in Academic Science: A Changing LandscapePsychological Science in the Public Interest, 15, 75– 141.

Hale, Galina and Tali Regev (2014). Gender Ratios at Top PhD Programs in EconomicsEconomics of Education Review, 41, 55–70.

Joecks, Jasmin, Kerstin Pull, and Uschi Backes-Gellner (2014). Childbearing and (Female) Research Productivity: A Personnel Economics Perspective on the Leaky PipelineJournal of Business Economics, 84, 517–530.

Main, Joyce B. and Ben Ost (2014). The Impact of Letter Grades on Student Effort, Course Selection, and Major Choice: A Regression-Discontinuity AnalysisJournal of Economic Education, 45, 1–10.

May, Ann Mari, Mary G. McGarvey, and Robert Whaples (2014). Are Disagreements Among Male and Female Eonomists Marginal at Best? A Survey of AEA Members and their Views on Economics and Economic PolicyContemporary Economic Policy, 32, 111–132.

Siegfried, John J. (2014). Trends in Undergraduate Economics Degrees, 1991–2013Journal of Economic Education, 45, 387–391.

Chen, Jihui S., Qihong Liu, and Sherrilyn M. Billger (2013). Where Do New Ph.D. Economists Go? Evidence from Recent Initial Job Placements. Journal of Labor Research, 34, 312–338.

Hamermesh, Daniel S. (2013). Six Decades of Top Economics Publishing: Who and How? Journal of Economic Literature, 51,162–172.

Klein, Daniel B., William L. Davis, and David Hedengren (2013). Economics Professors’ Voting, Policy Views, Favorite Economists, and Frequent Lack of ConsensusEcon Journal Watch, 10, 116–125.

Larivière, Vincent, Chaoqun Ni, Yves Gingras, Blaise Cronin, and Cassidy R. Sugimoto (2013). Bibliometrics: Global Gender Disparities in ScienceNature, 504, 211–213.

Manchester, Colleen F. and Debra A. Barbezat (2013). The Effect of Time Use in Explaining Male–Female Productivity Differences Among Economists. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 52, 53–77.

Manchester, Colleen F., Lisa M. Leslie, and Amit Kramer (2013). Is the Clock Still Ticking? An Evaluation of the Consequences of Stopping the Tenure ClockIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, 66, 3–31.

McPherson, Michael A., Myungsup Kim, Megan Dorman, and Nishelli Perera (2013). Research Output at US Economics DepartmentsApplied Economics Letters, 20, 889–892.

Vesterlund, Lisa, Linda Babcock, and Laurie Weingart (2013). Breaking the Glass Ceiling with “No”: Gender Differences in Declining Requests for Non‐Promotable TasksJournal of Economic Education, 42, 294–309.

West, Jevin D., Jennifer Jacquet, Molly M. King, Shelley J. Correll, and Carl T. Bergstrom (2013). The Role of Gender in Scholarly AuthorshipPLoS ONE, 8, e66212.

Zafar, Basit (2013). College Major Choice and the Gender GapJournal of Human Resources, 48, 545–595.

Abrevaya, Jason and Daniel S. Hamermesh (2012). Charity and Favoritism in the Field: Are Female Economists Nicer (to Each Other)? Review of Economics and Statistics, 94, 202–207.

Arcidiacono, Peter, V. Joseph Hotz, and Songman Kang (2012). Modeling College Major Choices Using Elicited Measures of Expectations and CounterfactualsJournal of Econometrics, 166, 3–16.

Asarta, Carlos J. and Roger B. Butters (2012). The Discouraged-Business-Major Hypothesis. Revisited: Could Economics Be the Encouraged-Business-Major? Journal of Economic Education, 43, 19–32.

Cainelli, Giulio, Mario A. Maggioni, Teodora E. Uberti, and Annunziata de Felice (2012). Co- authorship and Productivity Among Italian EconomistsApplied Economics Letters, 19, 1609– 1613.

Carlsson, Fredrik, Åsa Löfgren, and Thomas Sterner (2012). Discrimination in Scientific Review: A Natural Field Experiment on Blind versus Non-Blind ReviewsScandinavian Journal of Economics, 114, 500–519.

Emerson, Tisha L.N., Kim Marie McGoldrick, and Kevin J. Mumford (2012). Women and the Choice to Study Economics.” Journal of Economic Education, 43, 349–362.

Krause, Annabelle, Ulf Rinne, and Klaus F. Zimmerman (2012). Anonymous Job Applications of Fresh Ph.D. EconomistsEconomics Letters, 117, 441–444.

Anderson, David and John Tressler (2011). Ranking Economics Departments in Terms of Residual Productivity: New Zealand Economics Department, 2000-2006. Australian Economic Papers, 50, 157–168.

Ferber, Marianne A. and Michael Brün (2011). The Gender Gap in Citations: Does It Persist? Feminist Economics, 17, 151–158.

Harter, Cynthia L., William E. Becker, and Michael Watts (2011). Time Allocations and Reward Structures for US Academic Economists from 1995–2005: Evidence from Three National SurveysInternational Review of Economics Education, 10, 6–27.

Takahashi, Ana Maria and Shingo Takahashi (2011). Gender Salary Differences in Economics Departments in JapanEconomics of Education Review, 30, 1306–1319.

Watts, Michael and Georg Schaur (2011). Teaching and Assessment Methods in Undergraduate Economics: A Fourth National Quinquennial Survey. Journal of Economic Education, 42, 294–309

Bansak, Cynthia and Martha Starr (2010). Gender Differences in Predispositions Towards EconomicsEastern Economic Journal, 36, 33–57.

Blau, Francine D., Janet M. Currie, Rachel T.A. Croson, and Donna K. Ginther (2010). Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized TrialAmerican Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 100, 348–352.

Hilmer, Christiana E. and Michael Hilmer (2010). Are There Gender Differences in the Job Mobility Patterns of Academic Economists? American Economic Review, 100, 353–357.

Manchester, Colleen F., Lisa M. Leslie, and Amit Kramer (2010). Stop the Clock Policies and Career Success in AcademiaAmerican Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 100, 219–223.

Owen, Ann L. (2010). Grades, Gender, and Encouragement: A Regression Discontinuity AnalysisJournal of Economic Education, 41, 217–234.

Jonung, Christina and Ann-Charlotte Stahlberg (2009). Does Economics Have a Gender? Econ Journal Watch, 6, 60–72.

Madera, Juan M., Michelle R. Hebl, and Randi C. Martin (2009). Gender and Letters of Recommendation for Academia: Agentic and Communal DifferencesJournal of Applied Psychology, 94(6), 1591–1599.

Combes, Pierre-Philippe, Laurent Linnemer, and Michael Visser (2008). Publish or Peer-Rich? The Role of Skills and Networks in Hiring Economics ProfessorsLabour Economics, 15, 423– 441.

Haynes, Kathryn and Anne Fearfull (2008). Exploring Ourselves: Exploiting and Resisting Gendered Identities of Women Academics in Accounting and ManagementPacific Accounting Review, 20, 185–204.

Jonung, Christina and Ann-Charlotte Stahlberg (2008), Reaching the Top? On Gender Balance in the Economics ProfessionEcon Journal Watch, 5, 174–192.

May, Ann Mari (2008). On Gender Balance in the Economics ProfessionEcon Journal Watch, 5, 93–198.

Rask, Kevin N. and Jill Tiefenthaler (2008). The Role of Grade Sensitivity in Explaining the Gender Imbalance in Undergraduate EconomicsEconomics of Education Review, 27, 676–687.

Schulze, Gunther, Susanne Warning, and Christian Wiermann (2008). What and How Long Does It Take to Get Tenure? The Case of Economics and Business Administration in Austria, Germany and SwitzerlandGerman Economic Review, 9, 473–505.

Bhattacharjee, Subhra, Joseph A. Herriges, and Catherine L. Kling (2007). The Status of Women in Environmental EconomicsReview of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1, 212–227.

Boschini, Anne and Anna Sjögren (2007). Is Team Formation Gender Neutral? Evidence from Coauthorship PatternsJournal of Labor Economics, 25, 325–365.

Hilmer, Christiana and Michael Hilmer (2007). Women Helping Women, Men Helping Women? Same-Gender Mentoring, Initial Job Placements, and Early Career Publishing Success for Economics PhDsAmerican Economic Review, 97, 422–426.

Maske, Kellie L., Garey C. Durden, and Patricia E. Gaynor (2007). Determinants of Scholarly Productivity Among Male and Female EconomistsEconomic Inquiry, 41, 555–564.

Toutkoushian, Robert K., Marcia L. Bellas, and John V. Moore (2007). The Interaction Effects of Gender, Race, and Marital Status on Faculty SalariesJournal of Higher Education, 78, 572–601.

Barbezat, Debra A. (2006). Gender Differences in Research Patterns Among PhD EconomistsJournal of Economic Education, 37, 359–375.

Bender, Keith A. and John S. Heywood (2006). Job Satisfaction of the Highly Educated: The Role of Gender, Academic Tenure, and EarningsScottish Journal of Political Economy, 53, 253–279.

Calkins, Lindsay N. and Andrew Welki (2006). Factors That Influence Choice of Major: Why Some Students Never Consider EconomicsInternational Journal of Social Economics, 33, 547– 564.

Donald, Stephen G. and Daniel S. Hamermesh (2006). What is Discrimination? Gender in the American Economic Association, 1935-2004American Economic Review, 96, 1283–1292.

Larivière, Vincent, Éric Archambault, Yves Gingras, Étienne Vignola‐Gagné (2006). The Place of Serials in Referencing Practices: Comparing Natural Sciences and Engineering with Social Sciences and HumanitiesJournal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 5, 997– 1004.

McDowell, John M., Larry D. Singell, Jr., and Mark Stater (2006). Two to Tango? Gender Differences in the Decisions to Publish and Co-authorEconomic Inquiry, 44, 153–168.

Stock, Wendy A. and John J. Siegfried. (2006). Where Are They Now? Tracking the Ph.D. Class of 1997Southern Economic Journal, 73, 472–488.

Taylor, Susan W., Blakely F. Fender, and Kimberly G. Burke, K. (2006). Unraveling the Academic Productivity of Economists: The Opportunity Costs of Teaching and ServiceSouthern Economic Journal, 72, 846–859.

Blackaby, David, Alison L. Booth, and Jeff Frank (2005). Outside Offers and the Gender Pay Gap: Empirical Evidence from the UK Academic Labor Market. Economic Journal, 115, F81–F107.

Bettinger, Eric P. and Bridget T. Long (2005). Do Faculty Serve as Role Models? The Impact of Instructor Gender on Female StudentsAmerican Economic Review, 95, 152–157.

Mixon, Franklin G., Jr. and Len J. Treviño, L. (2005). Is There Gender Discrimination in Named Professorships? An Econometric Analysis of Economics Departments in the US SouthApplied Economics, 37, 849–854.

Arcidiacono, Peter (2004). Ability Sorting and the Returns to College MajorJournal of Econometrics, 121, 343–375.

Auerbach, Alan J., Francine D. Blau, and John B. Shoven (2004). The Labor Market for New Ph.D. Economists: Panel DiscussionAmerican Economic Review, 94, 286 290.

Addis, Elisabetta and Paola Villa (2003). The Editorial Boards of Italian Economics Journals: Women, Gender, and Social NetworkingFeminist Economics, 9, 75–91.

Black, Dan A., Seth Sanders, and Lowell Taylor (2003). The Economic Reward for Studying EconomicsEconomic Inquiry, 41, 365–377.

Ginther, Donna K. and Shulamit Kahn (2004). Women in Economics: Moving up or Falling off the Academic Ladder? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18, 193–214.

Knights, David, and Wendy Richard (2003). “Sex Discrimination in UK Academia.” Group & Organization, 10, 213–238.

Thomas, Robyn and Annette Davies (2003). Gender and New Public Management: Reconstituting Academic SubjectivitiesGender, Work & Organization, 9, 372–397.

Ward, Melanie E. (2003). Gender and Promotion in the Academic ProfessionScottish Journal of Political Economy, 48, 283–302.

Formby, John P. and Gary A. Hoover (2002). Salary Determinants of Entry-Level Academic Economists and the Characteristics of Those Hired on the Tenure TrackEastern Economic Journal, 28, 509–522.

Rask, Kevin N. and Elizabeth M. Bailey (2002). Are Faculty Role Models? Evidence from Major Choice in an Undergraduate InstitutionJournal of Economic Education, 33, 99–124.

Ward, Melanie E. (2002). The Gender Salary Gap in British AcademiaApplied Economics, 33, 1669–1681.

Booth, Alison L., Jonathan Burton, and Karen Mumford (2001). The Position of Women in UK Academic EconomicsEconomic Journal, 110, F312–F333.

Davis, Joe, John Huston, and Debra M. Patterson (2001). The Scholarly Output of Economists: A Description of Publishing PatternsAtlantic Economic Journal, 29, 341–349.

Davis, Joe C. and Debra M. Patterson (2001). Determinants of Variations in Journal Publication Rates of EconomistsThe American Economist, 45, 86–91.

Jensen, Elizabeth J. and Ann L. Owen (2001). Pedagogy, Gender, and Interest in EconomicsJournal of Economic Education, 32, 323–343.

Lewis, Margaret and Kim Marie McGoldrick (2001). Moving Beyond the Masculine Neoclassical ClassroomFeminist Economics, 7, 91–103.

McDowell, John M., Larry D. Singell Jr, and James P. Ziliak (2001). Gender and Promotion in the Economics ProfessionIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, 54, 224–244.

Robson, Denise (2001). Women and Minorities in Economics Textbooks: Are They Being Adequately Represented?Journal of Economic Education, 32, 186–191.

Chizmar, John F. (2000). A Discrete-Time Hazard Analysis of the Role of Gender in Persistence in the Economics MajorJournal of Economic Education, 31, 107–118.

Fournier, Gary M. and Tim R. Sass (2000). Take My Course, Please: The Effects of the Principles on Student Curriculum ChoiceJournal of Economic Education, 31, 323–339.

Thilmany, Dawn (2000). Gender Based Differences of Performance and Pay Among Agricultural Economics FacultyReview of Agricultural Economics, 22, 23–33.

Buchmueller, Thomas C., Jeff Dominitz, and W. Lee Hansen (1999). Graduate Training and the Early Career Productivity of Ph.D. EconomistsEconomics of Education Review, 18, 65–77.

Robb, Roberta E. and Leslie Robb (1999). Gender and the Study of Economics: The Role of Gender of the InstructorJournal of Economic Education, 30, 3–19.

Robinson, Michael D. and James Monks (1999). Gender Differences in Earnings Among Economics and Business FacultyEconomics Letters, 63, 119–125.

Turner, Sarah E. and William G. Bowen (1999). Choice of Major: The Changing (Unchanging) Gender GapIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, 52, 289–313.

Bergmann, Barbara R. (1998). Two Cheers for CSWEP? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12, 185–189.

Neumark, David and Rosella Gardecki (1998). Women Helping Women? Role Model and Mentoring Effects on Female Ph.D. Students in EconomicsJournal of Human Resources, 33, 220–246.

Dynan, Karen E. and Cecilia E. Rouse (1997). The Underrepresentation of Women in Economics: A Study of Undergraduate Economics StudentsJournal of Economic Education, 28, 350–368.

Kolpin, Van W. and Larry D. Singell, Jr. (1996). The Gender Composition and Scholarly Performance of Economics Departments: A Test for Employment DiscriminationIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, 49, 408–423.

Bartlett, Robin L. (1995). Attracting "Otherwise Bright Students" to Economics 101American Economic Review, 85, 362–366.

Canes, Brandice J. and Harvey S. Rosen (1995). Following in Her Footsteps? Faculty Gender Composition and Women’s Choices of College MajorsIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, 48, 486–504.

Ferber, Marianne A. (1995). The Study of Economics: A Feminist Critique.  American Economic Review, 85, 357–362.

Hirschfield, Mary, Robert L. Moore, and Eleanor Brown (1995). Exploring the Gender Gap on the GRE Subject Test in EconomicsJournal of Economic Education, 26, 3–15.

Kahn, Shulamit (1995). Women in the Economics ProfessionJournal of Economic Perspectives, 9, 193–205.

McMillen, Daniel P. and Larry D. Singell, Jr. (1994). Gender Differences in First Jobs for EconomistsSouthern Economic Journal, 60, 701–714.

Broder, Ivy E. (1993). Review of NSF Economics Proposals: Gender and Institutional PatternsAmerican Economic Review, 83, 964–970.

Broder, Ivy E. (1993). Professional Achievements and Gender Differences Among Academic Economics. Economic Inquiry, 31, 116–127.

Feiner, Susan F. (1993). Introductory Economics Textbooks and the Treatment of Issues Relating to Women and Minorities, 1984 and 1991Journal of Economic Education, 24, 145–162.

Kahn, Shulamit (1993). Gender Differences in Academic Career Paths of EconomistsAmerican Economic Review, 83, 52–56.

Stone, Joe and Larry Singell, Jr. (1993). Gender Differences in Ph.D. Economists CareersContemporary Economic Policy, 11, 95–106.

Horvath, Jane, Barbara Q. Beaudin, and Sheila P. Wright (1992). Persisting in the Introductory Economics Course: An Exploration of Gender DifferencesJournal of Economic Education, 33, 101–108.

McDowell, John M. and Janet K. Smith (1992). The Effect of Gender-Sorting on Propensity to Coauthor: Implications for Academic PromotionEconomic Inquiry, 30, 68–82.

Blank, Rebecca M. (1991). The Effects of Double-Blind versus Single-Blind Reviewing: Experimental Evidence from The American Economic ReviewAmerican Economic Review, 81, 1041–1067.

Catanese, Anthony V. (1991). Faculty Role Models and Diversifying the Gender and Racial Mix of Undergraduate Economics MajorsJournal of Economic Education, 22, 276–284.

Heath, Julia A. (1989). An Econometric Model of the Role of Gender in Economic EducationAmerican Economic Review, 79, 226–230.

Ferber, Marianne A. (1988). Citations and NetworkingGender and Society, 2, 82–89.

Gibbons, Jean D., John S. Fielden, and Mary Fish (1988). The Strange Case of the Female Ph.D. EconomistsBusiness Horizons, 31, 73–77.

Laband, David N. (1987). “A Qualitative Test of Journal Discrimination against Women.” Eastern Economic Journal, 13, 149–153.

Ferber, Marianne A. (1986). Citations: Are They an Objective Measure of Scholarly Merit? Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 11, 381–389.

Ferber, Marianne A. (1984). Suggestions for Improving the Classroom Climate for Women in the Introductory Economics Course: A Review Article. Journal of Economic Education, 15, 160–168.

Ferber, Marianne A. and Michelle Teiman (1980). Are Women Economists at a Disadvantage in Publishing Journal Articles? Eastern Economic Journal, 6, 189–193.

Hansen, Lee W., Burton A. Weisbrod, and Robert P. Strauss (1978). Modeling the Earnings and Research Productivity of Academic EconomistsJournal of Political Economy, 86, 729–741.

Gordon, Nancy M., Thomas E. Morton, and Ina C. Braden (1974). Faculty Salaries: Is There Discrimination by Sex, Race, and Discipline? American Economic Review, 64, 419–427.

Bell, Carolyn S. (1973). Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionAmerican Economic Review, 63, 508–511.

CSWEP (Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession) (1973). Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionAmerican Economic Review, 63, 508–511.

CSWEP (1973). Combatting Role Prejudice and Sex Discrimination: Findings of the American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionAmerican Economic Review, 63, 1049–1061.