Course Design

This section includes various materials for building an Economics course, starting with foundational principles and continuing with various active learning techniques that can be incorporated into the design, such as flipped classroom, peer instruction or just-in-time teaching.


Geraldine O'Neill (2015), Curriculum Design in Higher Education: Theory to Practice

This guide provides detailed research on how to design a curriculum that connects modules to programmes and reflects best practice for online or in person teaching. It is recommended that you dip into sections that interest you.

Parama Chaudhury and Cloda Jenkins, CTaLE (2020)Moving to Adaptable Learning Design in Economics

This guide provides detailed ideas, and resource links, on how to design an economics course that can be taught online, on campus or across the two.

Flipped Classroom

Elizabeth Trach (2020), A Beginner's Guide to Flipped Classroom

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to implement a flipped classroom including a step-by-step plan, various resources and a video example. 

Carlos Cortinhas (2019), Flipping CORE? The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This presentation outlines the flipped learning pedagogical approach with numerous examples relevant to teaching introductory economics as well as several literature reviews on the topic.


Peer Instruction

Trisha Vickrey, Kaitlyn Rosploch, Reihaneh Rahmanian, Matthew Pilarz, and Marilyne Stains (2015)Research-Based Implementation of Peer Instruction: A Literature Review

This is a literature review of the current research on "Peer instruction" - an example of an evidence-based instructional practice that consists of asking students conceptual questions during class time and collecting their answers via clickers or response cards. The article discusses from a STEM context but the discussion and ideas are relevant for economics.

Fabio R. Aricò (2015), Peer-Instruction Unveiled: Unlocking the Power of Student Response Systems

This article outlines the Student Response Systems methodology, as well as. wide range of findings, student feedback, suggestions and closing remarks.


Problem-Based Learning

Frank Forsythe (2010)The Handbook for Economics Lecturers - Problem-Based Learning

This chapter outlines what is problem-based learning (PBL), how to design problems and tasks in four steps, how to assess the response to a task and how to design a PBL environment in economics.

Stephen Kinsella (2008)Teaching Structuralist Economics Using Problem Based Learning and Weblogs

This article outlines the author's experience of teaching Economics using Problem-Based Learning techniques, the issues encounetred as well as the student feedback and lessons learned.


Just-in-Time Teaching

Scott Simkins, Mark Maier (2004) Using Just-in-Time Teaching Techniques in the Principles of Economics Course

This article provides an overview of Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) pedagogy and the development, implementation, and assessment of JiTT pedagogy in teaching introductory, college-level economics courses. Broadly speaking, JiTT techniques blend structured, out-of-class, web-based exercises with related classroom activities that promote active student learning.

Scott Simkins, with assistance from Gregor Novak, Marcelo Clerici-Arias, and Rae Jean Goodman (2021) Using Just-in-Time Teaching in Economics

This article outlines how Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) Improves student learning in Economics, explains how can one develop effective JiTT exercises in Economics and provides useful advice on how to combe JiTT with other teaching practices.



Utilising Games

The Economics Network (2021), Classroom Experiments & Games

This article includes various individual resources aimed at helping lecturers incorporate games in their classes. The contents include: Experiments and Games in Context, Individual Games, Journal articles describing classroom experiments and games and Computerised Games and Experiments. (2021), Classroom Games for Teaching Economics

This is a free educational games site for teaching microeconomics, industrial organization and game theory. The lecturer needs to choose the game they want to run, enter the number of players and communicate the logins to the students and so that they can connect to the site with their devices.