Creating Material for Students

This section includes different resources assisting academics in ways they can prepare materials for students, in terms of lecture slides, assignments, and tutorials. 

Materials for Online Teaching

Ransom Patterson (2021), These Flashcard Apps Will Help You Study Better in 2021

This article lists several flahcards apps that lecturers could suggest to students or use in class in order facilitate their learning process and help them memorize complex economics concepts. The list includes both paid and free options that can be downloaded on various devices.

Materials for In-Person Teaching

BCIT Learning and Teaching Centre (2003), Preparing and Using Student Handouts

This article includes information aimed at helping lecturers prepare and use student handouts. It describes various effective handouts and provides a checklist to make handouts more effective.

Erin Walton (2021), How to create excellent handouts – 10 tips

This short article includes 10 useful tips on how to make handouts for students more engaging, easily understandable and visually appealing.