• Current EEA Seed Fund Form
  • Applicant details
  • Project details
  • Complete

The EEA Education Seed Fund is intended for short projects (lasting one year or less) that will be implemented in the 2024/25 academic year (ending on August 2025). Please refer to the Seed Fund Guidance document for full details on eligibility, assessment criteria, and what the funds can be used for.

This form contains two sections: Applicant details (name, institutional affiliation, contact details), and Project details (proposed project title, project description, and proposed budget). There are no word limits on any fields in this form; please include sufficient detail so that the Committee can assess your application. You may find it convenient to write up these sections in a separate document and then paste the text into this form.

If you have any queries about the application form or the Seed Fund, please email the Education Committee at eea-education@eeassoc.org.