




Banco de España


2022 - 2024; 2025 - 2027


Laura Hospido is the Unit Head of the Microeconomic Analysis Unit, within the Structural Analysis and Microeconomic Studies Department, at the DG Economics, Statistics and Research of the Banco de España. Her primary fields are Labour Economics, Gender Economics, and Economics of Education - in particular Financial Education -. She takes part of the team in charge of the Survey of Financial Competences (ECF), an initiative of the Banco de España under the Financial Education Plan, with the aim of measuring the financial competences of the adult population in Spain. She is also a BdE-CEMFI Research Associate and a Research Fellow of IZA. She holds a PhD in Economics from CEMFI and University of Santiago de Compostela.


Three Selected Publications:

Dual Returns to Experience, (joint with Jose Garcia-Louzao and Alessandro Ruggieri)
Labour Economics, available online, November 2022. 

Income Risk Inequality: Evidence from Spanish Administrative Records  (joint with Manuel Arellano, Stéphane Bonhomme, Micole De Vera, and Siqi Wei)
Quantitative Economics, forthcoming

Gender Promotion Gap: Evidence from Central Banking  (joint with Luc Laeven  and Ana Lamo)
Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(5), 981–996, 2022