




University of Warwick


2022 - 2024; 2025 - 2027


Sonia Bhalotra is Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick with a research agenda on gender and health. She is currently Principal Investigator on an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council, Co-Investigator ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change, Co-Investigator ESRC Project on Human Rights, Big Data and Technology, and Investigator on a NIH funded project. She is Associate Editor of the Economic Journal and was recently awarded Fellowship of the International Economic Association. She is also Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences, CEPR London, IEPS Brazil, SFI Denmark and the Millenium Research Institute on the Lifecourse Chile. Her research on gender includes work on women’s representation in government, the police forces and the judiciary, the gender pay gap, constraints on women’s labour force participation, implications of recent advances in IVF for the “child penalty” on women’s careers, consequences for women and children of under-diagnosed and under-treated maternal depression, unmet demand for abortion and maternal mortality in developing countries, and the scourge of violence against women.


Three selected publications:

Maternal depression, women's empowerment, and parental investment: Evidence from a randomized control trial (co-authors V Baranov, P Biroli, J Maselko)
American Economic Review, Vol. 110, Issue 3, March 2020.

The twin instrument: Fertility and human capital investment (co-author D Clarke)
Journal of the European Economic Association, Issue 18-6, December 2020

Infant health, cognitive performance and earnings: Evidence from inception of the welfare state in Sweden (co-authors M Karlsson, T Nilsson, N Schwarz) 
Review of Economics and Statistics. Forthcoming