ECON JM Best Paper Award

UniCredit Foundation, in cooperation with the EEA, launches the 10th edition of the Econ JM Best Paper Award for PhD candidates/graduates who will participate to the European Job Market for Economists in 2023/24. 

Submission deadline: October 15, 2023.

Call for Papers

The Econ JM Best Paper Award is aimed at all PhD candidates/graduates that will participate to the European Job Market for Economists 2023, irrespective of their nationality and of the university in which they are enrolled.

Prizes will be awarded to 5 outstanding JM papers on topics related to general economic subjects. Each of the 5 best papers will receive € 1,000 gross of tax.

Conditions for Participation

1. Applications must be accompanied by the following documents (in one file PDF format):

  • JM paper

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • a letter from the supervisor confirming that the PhD candidate will attend the European Job Market in December 2023

  • copy of a current identity document (in the original language)

  • declaration of consent to handling of the candidate’s personal data pursuant to regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016

    In addition, one reference letter must be sent directly by the candidate’s main thesis advisor via e-mail to the Foundation addresses (see contacts below); each advisor can present most 1 candidate.

  1. If the paper has been submitted for other prizes or grants, this circumstance must be mentioned in the application

  2. Applicants shall indicate whether the submitted paper or parts thereof have already been published, and – if so – when and in which form

  3. Preference will be given to non-coauthored papers

  4. Papers and all the accompanying documents must be in English and in one file PDF format and must be submitted using the online application interface available on the Foundation’s website at

Application Procedure and Deadline

Applications must be received by the compulsory deadline of October 15, 2023. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the competition. As soon as the procedure is completed, the candidate will receive a confirmation message to her/his e-mail address.

Selection Process

The Foundation’s Scientific Committee will be responsible for the selection procedure. To carry out the selection, the Scientific Committee could be supported also by external experts/academic representatives.

The review process shall assess the quality and originality of the paper, as well as its suitability for publication in international peer-reviewed academic journals.

The final decision shall be taken by the Board of Directors of the Foundation based on a proposal by the Scientific Committee. The decision of the Board of Directors of the Foundation shall be final and not subject to appeal.

Authors of awarded papers will be notified by November 15, 2023.

UniCredit Foundation as well as UniCredit shall have the right to inform the public about awarded papers through press releases or other channels of communication (e.g. the Foundation and the UniCredit websites).

By submitting their papers, applicants consent to the above terms and conditions. The granting of awards shall entail no further obligations for the Foundation and UniCredit.

Winners are allowed to inform potential employers about their award.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Taking part in the competition entails unconditional acceptance of all the articles of this notice.

Proceed to submit your paper here