EEA initiatives for diversity and Inclusion: Call for Inclusion Initiatives virtual workshop

The MinE (Minority in Economics) committee of the EEA invites all departments of Economics in Europe to submit proposals for a short presentation at the 1st Inclusion Initiatives virtual workshop that will be held on September 13, 2024

Proposals should include a short (two page maximum) description of any new practice or policy the department has introduced in the last three years that aims to increase diversity and inclusion of underrepresented minorities (either of their student body or their faculty). We welcome proposals that discuss initiatives at any stage, including preliminary ones, and also those that have not been as successful or easy to implement. This workshop will complement the recent EEA climate survey to allow the MinE to get a better view on inclusion best practice in Europe and to offer potential new directions.

The one-day workshop will be open to all European universities and will consist of short presentations of selected contributions and a round table discussion of the challenges and potential solutions.

Please submit your proposals by July 15 to the MinE Committee through