The EEA Officer Election 2025 is taking place until Sunday, October 20. 
Click here to view candidates and how to vote

EJME 2024/25: Important Information for Candidates, Placement Officers & Recruiters

The EJME Committee released a statement in July, HERE, highlighting the many coordination issues the EJME recommends in a virtual market to ensure that the recruiters and candidates can plan ahead and engage in coordinated activities to make the best matches for recruiters and candidates, creating a more inclusive hiring experience, allowing candidates sufficient time to evaluate their offers, and giving recruiters the chance to evaluate all candidates of interest. 
As asserted many times over the past few years, and reasserted here - a main goal of the EEA is to help our PhD students’ and junior faculty’s careers. Therefore, we are happy to share with you some initiatives on the upcoming Job Market.

1. The EJME Candidate Directory is now ready for Candidates on the 2024 / 2025 Job Market! 

In 2021, the EJME Committee launched a public "Candidate Directory" allowing candidates on the yearly markets to create a public profile as an aid in matching bright young economists with European universities and research institutions. More than 2600 candidates, over the past 3 seasons of the EJME, have already used the Candidate Directory, and the response from RECRUITERS to the platform has been exceptional. The EEA and its partners on the EJME Committee do a lot of promotional work amongst departments to ensure that the Directory is the number one search tool used by recruiters in Europe & beyond. To read more about all its functions, please visit here

Candidates can now register for the EJME Candidate Directory (public) here.

2. Candidate virtual workshop programme

Starting with a 2-part workshop 60-minute workshop on Friday, October 4, at 14:00 CEST, on a general overview about the stages of the job market, mental health and how to put your job market package together (organised with the European Association for Young Economists), we will offer a series of workshops in the run up to the interview stage. These workshops are geared to answering any questions candidates have about different aspects of the market – interviews, job talks, academic versus non-academic jobs, negotiating offers, etc. All information on these events will be advertised here and through Twitter (@EEANews) so please do keep an eye on these pages. If you would like to discuss something that does not appear on our calendar of events, please reach out to us at and we can try to organise.

3. Mock interviews for candidates who are not offered these within their own institutions

We will be repeating the successful mock interviews inaugurated during last year's job market season between November 18 and November 30. 

If you wish to support this initiative by acting as a "recruiter" and you are available on the dates above for one of the following:

1. 45-60 minutes, split as follows - 30 minutes interview & then feedback of 15 to 30 mins

2. 90 minutes to give 2 mock interviews

please email us through (click on email to send the email) asap and we will give you further instructions. 

We also welcome any members of recruiting committees of institutions who do not currently offer mock interview to their PhD students to take part in our mock panels with the hope that in future these institutions can offer mock interviews. 

Information on how candidates can sign up for these mock interviews will be sent out towards the end of October.

4. ECON JM Best Paper Award - Submission deadline October 15, 2024

UniCredit Foundation, in cooperation with the EEA, launched the 11th edition of the Econ JM Best Paper Award for PhD candidates/graduates in July. The Award is aimed at all PhD candidates/graduates that will participate to the EJME 2024 / 25 irrespective of their nationality and of the university in which they are enrolled. Prizes will be awarded to 5outstanding JM papers on topics related to general economic subjects. Each of the 5 best papers will receive €1,000 gross of tax. More info can be found here.


5. Advertising Positions and Sharing Materials on
There are a number of platforms where recruiters can list their postings, and where candidates can search them. EJME recommends that recruiters and candidates use This is one of the most consolidated of these platforms, developed by academic economists for the job market for economists. handles search listings, the transmission of applications and letters of recommendation, and interview scheduling.
From this season onwards, European recruiters who support the EJME's coordination schedule and view that the use of exploding offers is unacceptable (definition here), can choose through to have their job ad posted at

For any further information on any of the above aspects, please write an email to Gemma through 

If you are not a candidate, placement officer and / or recruiter, we ask you to forward this email to all you think may benefit from such initiatives and tool - be they a candidate or a member of the recruiting committee.

Thanks, as always, for your support and being part of the EEA community. 

Best wishes, 

David Schindler, EJME Committee Chair