Report on Professional Climate Survey

Report on Professional Climate Survey is available here

In October 2023, the EEA Minorities in Economics Committee (MinE), supported by the EEA Executive Committee and in cooperation with the German Economic Association (“Verein für Socialpolitik,” VfS), implemented a professional climate survey. The survey was sent to all current members of the EEA (as of January 2024), as well as all individuals who had been a member in the preceding ten years and still signed up for EEA newsletters. MinE also solicited support from department heads and graduate program directors of all higher education institutions known to the EEA. The survey was then advertised through several channels, such as the European Committee for LGBTQ+ Economists. In addition, the EEA created and shared through social media a video with several economists emphasizing the importance of completing the survey.

Survey questions focused on individuals’ experiences and perceptions of equality, diversity, and inclusiveness, especially along the dimensions of gender, race and ethnicity, LGBTQ+ status, and disability. Care was taken to ensure that the survey would capture differences in the treatment (or perceived treatment) of individuals across the different countries in Europe. While the survey itself was designed, organized, and monitored by MinE, the actual implementation and storage of data was administered by Dynata, a third-party operator with no prior association with the EEA, to ensure data privacy and anonymity.

The report, which summarizes MinE’s work before, during, and after the survey, including an analysis and interpretation of the results is now available here