The EEA Officer Election 2025 is taking place until Sunday, October 20. 
Click here to view candidates and how to vote

Results of 2025 Officer Elections

The EEA thanks the 2 colleagues and the 14 colleagues who generously agreed to stand on the ballot for the position of Vice-President and Council members, respectively. 

The next EEA Vice-President (President-Elect in 2026, and President in 2027) will be:

Margaret Meyer
(Nuffield College and Dept of Economics, Oxford University)

The following will join the EEA Council for a term of 5 years starting in 2025:

Abigail Adams
(University of Oxford)

Lucia Corno
(Cattolica University and LEAP-Bocconi)

Matthias Doepke
(London School of Economics)

Maia Güell
(CUNEF Universidad and the University of Edinburgh)

Tymofiy Mylovanov
(Kyiv School of Economics and the University of Pittsburgh)

Elias Papaioannou
(London Business School)

Ran Spiegler
(School of Economics, Tel Aviv University & Department of Economics, University College London)

Victoria Vanasco