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Role Models in Economics Award 2024

It is with the greatest pleasure that we announce that Professors Anna Salomons (Utrecht University) and David Schindler (Tilburg University) are the recipients of the 2024 edition of the Role Models in Economics Award---the new award through which the EEA intends to recognize colleagues who are both true scholars and outstanding contributors to the public good in the Economics profession.
Professor Salomons has become one of the driving scholars in the field of labour economics, in particular in the study of technology adoption and labour market outcomes. Her outstanding academic scholarship is coupled with her ability to share her knowledge and insights with both policymakers and a broader audience through interviews on national television, radio and in newspapers.
When it comes to her contributions to the public good, they share one common thread: mentor PhD students, nurture the careers of junior colleagues, and lead by example when it comes to institution building, especially in her recent role as the Director of Utrecht School of Economics (USE) Research Institute. 
Professor Salomons has made and is making a hugely positive difference also along invisible yet fundamental lines. As one of the letters of endorsement highlights “At Utrecht School of Economics, Anna has advised numerous Ph.D. candidates, showcasing her dedication to fostering the next generation of scholars. However, Anna’s mentoring reaches far beyond her own department. She has collaborated with numerous junior researchers in her publications … Her junior co-authors consistently note the enthusiastic and steadfast support she provides. Moreover, she is quick to give credit to others, cultivating an environment where each team member is recognized for their efforts.”
Despite his very recent PhD (2017), Professor Schindler is one of the most outstanding applied microeconomists / behavioral economists who explores boundedly rational behavior across various situations. He does so by using a range of methods, including lab and field experiments, as well as quasi-experimental methods using secondary data.  
Professor Schindler’s unbound energy when it comes to contributing to the public good is highlighted in one of the letters of endorsement as follows “Since 2019 (only two years after starting his first appointment after the Ph.D.), David has continuously served on junior hiring committees at Tilburg with incredible success… David contributed greatly to attracting some of the best junior economists from prestigious U.S. institutions (including Stanford, Harvard, and Northwestern) to Europe and thereby put Tilburg back on the map.” 
Yet, Professor Schindler’s contributions to creating a better academic environment extend beyond his home institution as another letter of endorsement points out “… David is the driving force behind myriad activities which are making the European Job Market for Economists the powerhouse for attracting the best junior talents to work in all European institutions and to help PhD students from European institutions succeed in the first and most challenging step in their careers.” 
With the award funds (10,000 euros), Professors Salomons and Schindler will be asked to contribute to an initiative that fosters the careers of PhD students and junior faculty in Europe---one of the fundamental missions of the EEA.  
We are much grateful to everyone who submitted nominations for the 2024 edition of the “Role Models in Economics” Award. The list of nominees proved that we have many wonderful “good citizens” among our colleagues younger than 45 in Europe!!! 
We take this opportunity to wish to everyone a smooth and joyful summer.
The Award Committee members,
Maristella Botticini, Margaret Meg Meyer (2023 Role Model in Economics Award recipient), Elias Papaioannou and Georg Weizsächer