The EEA Officer Election 2025 is taking place until Sunday, October 20. 
Click here to view candidates and how to vote


WE_ARE - Women in Economics: Advancing Research in Economics - is a CEPR seminar series where junior women present their work and get constructive feedback from their peers and from senior economists. The seminar series aims to bring together junior and senior women in economics and to contribute to building an active and cooperative CEPR women in economics community. 

In its second year, WE_ARE join forces with WinE, the EEA Standing Committee on Women in Economics, whose objective is to support women in the economics profession by facilitating the formation of networks, by circulating information on, or relevant to, female economists, and by providing a forum for discussion of issues relevant to women in economics.

Together, WE_ARE and WinE are introducing a series of sessions offering useful advice and tools for junior women in the profession. The topics will include, but are not limited to, publishing, preparing for tenure, applying for grants and more. 

The first joint session took place on December 14. The speaker was Maria Guadalupe. Please visit WinE for information on upcoming sessions.