The EEA Officer Election 2025 is taking place until Sunday, October 20. 
Click here to view candidates and how to vote

Past Congresses


Location Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Programme Chairs Sule Alan & Francesco Decarolis
Scientific Programme
Presidential Address Maristella Botticini - The Beauty of Uncertainty: The Rise of Insurance Contracts and Markets in Medieval Europe
Marshall Lecture Itzhak Gilboa - Reasoning in the Face of Uncertainty
Schumpeter Lecture Xavier Gabaix - Economic Networks: New Models, Facts, and Identification Methods


Location Bocconi University, Milan
Programme Chairs Monica Costa Dias & Paolo Surico
Scientific Programme
Presidential Address Oriana Bandiera - Climate-Change Pledges, Actions and Outcomes
Marshall Lecture Michèle Tertilt - The Economics of Women’s Rights
Schumpeter Lecture Philipp Kircher - Job Search in the Digital Age


Location Virtual 
Programme Chairs Philipp Kircher & Antonella Trigari
Presidential Address Silvana Tenreyro - Climate-Change Pledges, Actions and Outcomes
Marshall Lecture Rohini Pande - "If you compete with us, we shan’t marry you,”: The (Mary Paley) Marshall Lecture
Schumpeter Lecture Thomas Piketty - Global Income Inequality, 1820-2020. The Persistence and Mutation of Extreme Inequality


Location Virtual
Programme Chair Katrine V. Løken & Vasco M. Carvalho
Presidential Address Per Krusell - Suboptimal Climate Policy
Marshall Lecture Alan Manning - The Measure of Monopsony
Schumpeter Lecture Antoinette Schoar - How is Big Data Changing Consumer Financial Markets?


Location Manchester, United Kingdom
Programme Chair Barbara Petrongolo & Ricardo Reis
Presidential Address Kjetil Storesletten - Tax Progressively in Macroeconomics
Marshall Lecture Raj Chetty - Improving Equality of Opportunity: New Insights from Big Data
Schumpeter Lecture Veronica Guerrieri - Household Balance Sheets and Credit Cycles


Location Cologne, Germany 
Programme Chair Nicola Gennaioli & Marta Reynal Querol
Presidential Address Eliana La Ferrara - Aspirations, Social Norms and Development
Marshall Lecture Susan Athey - Models of Consumer Choice in Panels with Applications to Mobile Location Data
Schumpeter Lecture Jaume Ventura - Sharing a Government


Location Lisbon, Portugal
Programme Chair Estella Cantillon & Silvana Tenreyro
Presidential Address Philippe Aghion - Rethinking Growth
Marshall Lecture Amy Finkelstein - Moral Hazard in Health Insurance: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?
Schumpeter Lecture John Van Reenen - Productivity, Management and Innovation


Location Geneva, Switzerland
Programme Chair Philippe Bacchetta & Monika Schnitzer
Presidential Address Fabrizio Zilibotti - Growing and Slowing Down Like China
Marshall Lecture Mark Armstrong - Consumer Search
Schumpeter Lecture George-Marios Angeletos - Coordination and Aggregate Demand


Location Mannheim, Germany
Programme Chair Volker Nocke
Presidential Address Rachel Griffith - Gluttony and Sloth? Labour Market Nonseparabilities and the Rise in Obesity
Marshall Lecture Ilya R Segal - Property Rights and the Efficiency of Bargaining
Schumpeter Lecture Giancarlo Corsetti - The Mystery of the Printing Press: Monetary Policy and Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises


Location Toulouse, France
Programme Chair Martin Cripps
Presidential Address Orazio Attanasio - The Determinants Of The Accumulation Of Human Capital In Developing Countries
Marshall Lecture Liran Einav - Can Healthcare Competition Work?
Schumpeter Lecture Massimo Marinacci - The Beauty Of Uncertainty


Location Gothenburg, Sweden
Programme Chair Maristella Botticini
Presidential Address Manuel Arellano - Uncertainty, Persistence, and Heterogeneity: A Panel Data Perspective
Marshall Lecture Ed Glaeser - A World of Cities: Europe, Asia and the Americas
Schumpeter Lecture Xavier Vives - Can Markets Be Informationally Efficient?


Location Malaga, Spain
Programme Chair Philip Lane
Presidential Address Jordi Galí - Notes For A New Guide To Keynes
Marshall Lecture Marianne Bertrand - Breaking The Glass Ceiling: The Effects Of Board Quotas On Female Labor Market Outcomes And Family Choices – Evidence From Norway
Schumpeter Lecture Gilles Saint Paul - On Science And Politics


Location Oslo, Norway
Programme Chair Espen Moen
Presidential Address Christopher Pissarides - Employment In Europe
Marshall Lecture Randy Wright - Really. Really Rational Inattention: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Sticky Prices
Schumpeter Lecture Per Krusell - Economic Analyses Of Climate Change


Location Glasgow, United Kingdom
Programme Chair David Stromberg
Presidential Address Timothy Besley - Fragile States And Development Policy
Marshall Lecture Esther Duflo - Gender Equality And Development
Schumpeter Lecture Orazio Attanasio - House Prices And Consumption Movements In The UK
Adam Smith Lecture Joseph Stiglitz - Rethinking Macroeconomics: What Failed, and How to Repair It


Location Barcelona, Spain
Programme Chair Antonio Ciccone
Presidential Address Nicholas Stern -  Imperfections In The Economics Of Public Policy, Imperfections In Markets, And Climate Change
Marshall Lecture Pinelopi Goldberg - International Property Rights Protection In Developing Countries: The Case Of Pharmaceuticals
Schumpeter Lecture Charles Bean - The Great Moderation, The Great Panic And The Great Contraction


Location Milan, Italy
Programme Chair Armin Falk
Presidential Address Ernst Fehr -  On The Economics And Biology Of Trust
Marshall Lecture James Heckman - Psychology Of Inequality And Human Development 
Schumpeter Lecture Douglas Bernheim - Behavioral welfare Economics


Location Budapest, Hungary
Programme Chair Giancarlo Corsetti
Presidential Address Guido Tabellini - Institutions And Culture
Marshall Lecture Luigi Guiso - Social Capital As Good Culture
Schumpeter Lecture Roland Benabou - Ideology


Location Vienna, Austria
Programme Chair Jaume Ventura
Presidential Address Andreu Mas-Colell - On Commitment And Breakdown In Bargaining Among the Many
Marshall Lecture Raquel Fernandez - Women, Work, And Culture
Schumpeter Lecture John Moore - Partial Contracts


Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Programme Chair Lucrezia Reichlin
Presidential Address Mathias Dewtripont - Costly Communication And Incentives
Marshall Lecture Marco Pagano - Shareholder Protection, Stock Market Development, And Politics
Schumpeter Lecture Philippe Aghion - Appropriate Growth Policy: A Unifying Framework


Location Madrid, Spain
Programme Chair Fabrizio Zilibotti
Presidential Address Richard Blundell - How Revealing Is Revealed Preference?
Marshall Lecture Dale Mortensen - Innovation, Growth And Labor Market Policies
Schumpeter Lecture Bengt Homstrom - Understanding Coporate Governance


Location Stockholm, Sweden
Programme Chair Tore Ellingsen
Presidential Address Torsten Persson - Consequences Of Constitutions
Marshall Lecture Daron Acemoglu - Kleptocracy And Divide-And-Rule
Schumpeter Lecture Timothy Besley - Paying Politicians


Location Venice, Italy
Programme Chair Thierry Verdier
Presidential Address Peter Neary - Globalization And Market Structure
Marshall Lecture Paul Klemperer - Using And Abusing Economic Theory
Schumpeter Lecture Alberto Alesina - The Size Of Nations


Location Lausanne, Switzerland
Programme Chair Jörgen Weibull
Presidential Address Jean Tirole
Marshall Lecture Matthew Rabin  -  A Perspective On Psychology And Economics
Schumpeter Lecture Ernst Fehr -  Psychological Foundations Of Incentives


Location Bolzano, Italy
Programme Chair Danny Quah
Presidential Address James Mirrlees - The Economics Of Imperfectly Rational Agents
Marshall Lecture Avinash Dixit - Games of Monetary and Fiscal Interactions In The European Monetary Union
Schumpeter Lecture Ariel Rubinstein - A Theorist's View Of Experimental Economics


Location Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Programme Chair Patrick Rey
Presidential Address Partha Dasgupta - Reproductive Externalities And Fertility Behaviour
Marshall Lecture Eric Maskin - Auctions, Privatization, And Development
Schumpeter Lecture Karl Goran Maler - Non Linear Systems In Enviromental Economics


Location Berlin, Germany
Programme Chair Gerald Roland
Presidential Address Jean-Jacques Laffont - Political Economy, Information and Incentives
Marshall Lecture Torsten Persson - The Size And Scope Of Government: Comparative Politics With Rational Politicians
Schumpeter Lecture Roger Myerson - Theoretical Compasrisons Of Electoral Systems


Location Toulouse, France
Programme Chair Philippe Jehiel
Presidential Address Reinhard Selten - Features Of Experimentally Observed Bounded Rationality
Marshall Lecture Truman Bewley - There Is No Harm In Looking: A Close Look At Wage Rigidity
Schumpeter Lecture Werner Hildenbrand - How Relevant Are Specifications of Behavioural Relations on the Micro-Level for Modelling the Time Path Of Population Aggregates?


Location Istanbul, Turkey
Programme Chair Sweder van Wijnbergen
Presidential Address David Newberry - Privatisation And Liberalisation Of Network Utilities
Marshall Lecture Dani Rodrik - The 'Paradoxes' Of The Successful State
Schumpeter Lecture Andrei Shleifer - Government In Transition


Location Prague, Czech Republic
Programme Chair Damien Neven
Presidential Address Louis Phlips - Game-Theoretic Contributions To Competition Policy
Marshall Lecture Jean-Jacques Laffont - Game Theory And Structural Economics: The Case Of Auction Data
Schumpeter Lecture John Sutton - Technology and Market Structure: Theory And History


Location Maastricht, The Netherlands
Programme Chair Urs Schweizer
Presidential Address Roger Guesnerie - Current Challenges For Public Economics
Marshall Lecture James Mirrlees - Private Risk And Public Action
Schumpeter Lecture Martin Feldstein - Taxes, Goverment Spending, And Economic Growth


Location Helsinki, Finland
Programme Chair Daniel Cohen
Presidential Address Mervyn King - Debt Deflation: Theory And Evidence
Marshall Lecture Lars E.O. Svensson - Fixed Exchange Rates: What Have We Learned?
Schumpeter Lecture Jean Tirole - On Banking And Intermediation


Location Dublin, Ireland
Programme Chair John Vickers
Presidential Address Martin Hellwig - The Challenge Of Monetary Theory
Marshall Lecture Roger Guersnerie - Successes And Failures In Coordinating Expectations
Schumpeter Lecture Charles Goodhart - Can We Improve The Structure Of Financial Systems?


Location Cambridge, United Kingdom
Programme Chair Francesco Giavazzi
Presidential Address Assar Lindbeck - Macroeconomic Theory And The Labour Market
Marshall Lecture Joseph Stiglitz - Marcoeconomics And Financial Markets
Schumpeter Lecture Elhanan Helpman - Endogenous Growth Theory


Location Lisbon, Portugal
Programme Chair Thorvaldur Gylfason
Presidential Address Agnar Sandmo - Economists And The Welfare State
Marshall Lecture Nicholas Stern - Public Policy And The Economics Of The Development
Schumpeter Lecture Jon Elster - Local Justice: How Instructions Allocate Scarce Resources


Location Augsburg, Germany
Programme Chair John Sutton
Presidential Address Anthony B Atkinson -Public Economics and the Economic Public
Marshall Lecture Claude Henry - Microeconomics and Public Decision Making when Geography Matters
Schumpeter Lecture Michael Bruno - Economic Analysis and the Political Economy of Policy Formation


Location Bologna, Italy
Programme Chair John Sutton
Presidential Address Edmond Malinvaud - Observation In Macroeconomic Model Building
Marshall Lecture Werner Hildenbrand - Facts And Ideas In Microeconomic Theory
Schumpeter Lecture Paul Bairoch - The Paradox Of Economic History: 'Economic' Laws And History


Location Copenhagen, Denmark
Programme Chair Charles Wyplosz
Presidential Address Janos Kornai - Individual Freedom And Reform Of The Socialist Economy
Marshall Lecture Amartya Sen - Freedom Of Choice: Concept And Content
Schumpeter Lecture Assar Linbeck - Individual Freedom And Welfare State Policy


Location Vienna, Austria
Programme Chair Louis Philips
Presidential Address Jacques H. Drèze - Underemployment Equilibria: From Theory To Econometrics And Policy
Marshall Lecture Edmond Malinvaud - The Legacy Of European Stagflation
Schumpeter Lecture Herbert Giersch - Economic Policies In The Age Schumpeter