Past Congresses
Location | Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona |
Programme Chairs | Sule Alan & Francesco Decarolis |
Scientific Programme | |
Presidential Address | Maristella Botticini - The Beauty of Uncertainty: The Rise of Insurance Contracts and Markets in Medieval Europe |
Marshall Lecture | Itzhak Gilboa - Reasoning in the Face of Uncertainty |
Schumpeter Lecture | Xavier Gabaix - Economic Networks: New Models, Facts, and Identification Methods |
Location | Bocconi University, Milan |
Programme Chairs | Monica Costa Dias & Paolo Surico |
Scientific Programme | |
Presidential Address | Oriana Bandiera - Climate-Change Pledges, Actions and Outcomes |
Marshall Lecture | Michèle Tertilt - The Economics of Women’s Rights |
Schumpeter Lecture | Philipp Kircher - Job Search in the Digital Age |
Location | Virtual |
Programme Chairs | Philipp Kircher & Antonella Trigari |
Presidential Address | Silvana Tenreyro - Climate-Change Pledges, Actions and Outcomes |
Marshall Lecture | Rohini Pande - "If you compete with us, we shan’t marry you,”: The (Mary Paley) Marshall Lecture |
Schumpeter Lecture | Thomas Piketty - Global Income Inequality, 1820-2020. The Persistence and Mutation of Extreme Inequality |
Location | Virtual |
Programme Chair | Katrine V. Løken & Vasco M. Carvalho |
Presidential Address | Per Krusell - Suboptimal Climate Policy |
Marshall Lecture | Alan Manning - The Measure of Monopsony |
Schumpeter Lecture | Antoinette Schoar - How is Big Data Changing Consumer Financial Markets? |
Location | Manchester, United Kingdom |
Programme Chair | Barbara Petrongolo & Ricardo Reis |
Presidential Address | Kjetil Storesletten - Tax Progressively in Macroeconomics |
Marshall Lecture | Raj Chetty - Improving Equality of Opportunity: New Insights from Big Data |
Schumpeter Lecture | Veronica Guerrieri - Household Balance Sheets and Credit Cycles |
Location | Cologne, Germany |
Programme Chair | Nicola Gennaioli & Marta Reynal Querol |
Presidential Address | Eliana La Ferrara - Aspirations, Social Norms and Development |
Marshall Lecture | Susan Athey - Models of Consumer Choice in Panels with Applications to Mobile Location Data |
Schumpeter Lecture | Jaume Ventura - Sharing a Government |
Location | Lisbon, Portugal |
Programme Chair | Estella Cantillon & Silvana Tenreyro |
Presidential Address | Philippe Aghion - Rethinking Growth |
Marshall Lecture | Amy Finkelstein - Moral Hazard in Health Insurance: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It? |
Schumpeter Lecture | John Van Reenen - Productivity, Management and Innovation |
Location | Geneva, Switzerland |
Programme Chair | Philippe Bacchetta & Monika Schnitzer |
Presidential Address | Fabrizio Zilibotti - Growing and Slowing Down Like China |
Marshall Lecture | Mark Armstrong - Consumer Search |
Schumpeter Lecture | George-Marios Angeletos - Coordination and Aggregate Demand |
Location | Mannheim, Germany |
Programme Chair | Volker Nocke |
Presidential Address | Rachel Griffith - Gluttony and Sloth? Labour Market Nonseparabilities and the Rise in Obesity |
Marshall Lecture | Ilya R Segal - Property Rights and the Efficiency of Bargaining |
Schumpeter Lecture | Giancarlo Corsetti - The Mystery of the Printing Press: Monetary Policy and Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises |
Location | Toulouse, France |
Programme Chair | Martin Cripps |
Presidential Address | Orazio Attanasio - The Determinants Of The Accumulation Of Human Capital In Developing Countries |
Marshall Lecture | Liran Einav - Can Healthcare Competition Work? |
Schumpeter Lecture | Massimo Marinacci - The Beauty Of Uncertainty |
Location | Gothenburg, Sweden |
Programme Chair | Maristella Botticini |
Presidential Address | Manuel Arellano - Uncertainty, Persistence, and Heterogeneity: A Panel Data Perspective |
Marshall Lecture | Ed Glaeser - A World of Cities: Europe, Asia and the Americas |
Schumpeter Lecture | Xavier Vives - Can Markets Be Informationally Efficient? |
Location | Malaga, Spain |
Programme Chair | Philip Lane |
Presidential Address | Jordi Galí - Notes For A New Guide To Keynes |
Marshall Lecture | Marianne Bertrand - Breaking The Glass Ceiling: The Effects Of Board Quotas On Female Labor Market Outcomes And Family Choices – Evidence From Norway |
Schumpeter Lecture | Gilles Saint Paul - On Science And Politics |
Location | Oslo, Norway |
Programme Chair | Espen Moen |
Presidential Address | Christopher Pissarides - Employment In Europe |
Marshall Lecture | Randy Wright - Really. Really Rational Inattention: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Sticky Prices |
Schumpeter Lecture | Per Krusell - Economic Analyses Of Climate Change |
Location | Glasgow, United Kingdom |
Programme Chair | David Stromberg |
Presidential Address | Timothy Besley - Fragile States And Development Policy |
Marshall Lecture | Esther Duflo - Gender Equality And Development |
Schumpeter Lecture | Orazio Attanasio - House Prices And Consumption Movements In The UK |
Adam Smith Lecture | Joseph Stiglitz - Rethinking Macroeconomics: What Failed, and How to Repair It |
Location | Barcelona, Spain |
Programme Chair | Antonio Ciccone |
Presidential Address | Nicholas Stern - Imperfections In The Economics Of Public Policy, Imperfections In Markets, And Climate Change |
Marshall Lecture | Pinelopi Goldberg - International Property Rights Protection In Developing Countries: The Case Of Pharmaceuticals |
Schumpeter Lecture | Charles Bean - The Great Moderation, The Great Panic And The Great Contraction |
Location | Milan, Italy |
Programme Chair | Armin Falk |
Presidential Address | Ernst Fehr - On The Economics And Biology Of Trust |
Marshall Lecture | James Heckman - Psychology Of Inequality And Human Development |
Schumpeter Lecture | Douglas Bernheim - Behavioral welfare Economics |
Location | Budapest, Hungary |
Programme Chair | Giancarlo Corsetti |
Presidential Address | Guido Tabellini - Institutions And Culture |
Marshall Lecture | Luigi Guiso - Social Capital As Good Culture |
Schumpeter Lecture | Roland Benabou - Ideology |
Location | Vienna, Austria |
Programme Chair | Jaume Ventura |
Presidential Address | Andreu Mas-Colell - On Commitment And Breakdown In Bargaining Among the Many |
Marshall Lecture | Raquel Fernandez - Women, Work, And Culture |
Schumpeter Lecture | John Moore - Partial Contracts |
Location | Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Programme Chair | Lucrezia Reichlin |
Presidential Address | Mathias Dewtripont - Costly Communication And Incentives |
Marshall Lecture | Marco Pagano - Shareholder Protection, Stock Market Development, And Politics |
Schumpeter Lecture | Philippe Aghion - Appropriate Growth Policy: A Unifying Framework |
Location | Madrid, Spain |
Programme Chair | Fabrizio Zilibotti |
Presidential Address | Richard Blundell - How Revealing Is Revealed Preference? |
Marshall Lecture | Dale Mortensen - Innovation, Growth And Labor Market Policies |
Schumpeter Lecture | Bengt Homstrom - Understanding Coporate Governance |
Location | Stockholm, Sweden |
Programme Chair | Tore Ellingsen |
Presidential Address | Torsten Persson - Consequences Of Constitutions |
Marshall Lecture | Daron Acemoglu - Kleptocracy And Divide-And-Rule |
Schumpeter Lecture | Timothy Besley - Paying Politicians |
Location | Venice, Italy |
Programme Chair | Thierry Verdier |
Presidential Address | Peter Neary - Globalization And Market Structure |
Marshall Lecture | Paul Klemperer - Using And Abusing Economic Theory |
Schumpeter Lecture | Alberto Alesina - The Size Of Nations |
Location | Lausanne, Switzerland |
Programme Chair | Jörgen Weibull |
Presidential Address | Jean Tirole |
Marshall Lecture | Matthew Rabin - A Perspective On Psychology And Economics |
Schumpeter Lecture | Ernst Fehr - Psychological Foundations Of Incentives |
Location | Bolzano, Italy |
Programme Chair | Danny Quah |
Presidential Address | James Mirrlees - The Economics Of Imperfectly Rational Agents |
Marshall Lecture | Avinash Dixit - Games of Monetary and Fiscal Interactions In The European Monetary Union |
Schumpeter Lecture | Ariel Rubinstein - A Theorist's View Of Experimental Economics |
Location | Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
Programme Chair | Patrick Rey |
Presidential Address | Partha Dasgupta - Reproductive Externalities And Fertility Behaviour |
Marshall Lecture | Eric Maskin - Auctions, Privatization, And Development |
Schumpeter Lecture | Karl Goran Maler - Non Linear Systems In Enviromental Economics |
Location | Berlin, Germany |
Programme Chair | Gerald Roland |
Presidential Address | Jean-Jacques Laffont - Political Economy, Information and Incentives |
Marshall Lecture | Torsten Persson - The Size And Scope Of Government: Comparative Politics With Rational Politicians |
Schumpeter Lecture | Roger Myerson - Theoretical Compasrisons Of Electoral Systems |
Location | Toulouse, France |
Programme Chair | Philippe Jehiel |
Presidential Address | Reinhard Selten - Features Of Experimentally Observed Bounded Rationality |
Marshall Lecture | Truman Bewley - There Is No Harm In Looking: A Close Look At Wage Rigidity |
Schumpeter Lecture | Werner Hildenbrand - How Relevant Are Specifications of Behavioural Relations on the Micro-Level for Modelling the Time Path Of Population Aggregates? |
Location | Istanbul, Turkey |
Programme Chair | Sweder van Wijnbergen |
Presidential Address | David Newberry - Privatisation And Liberalisation Of Network Utilities |
Marshall Lecture | Dani Rodrik - The 'Paradoxes' Of The Successful State |
Schumpeter Lecture | Andrei Shleifer - Government In Transition |
Location | Prague, Czech Republic |
Programme Chair | Damien Neven |
Presidential Address | Louis Phlips - Game-Theoretic Contributions To Competition Policy |
Marshall Lecture | Jean-Jacques Laffont - Game Theory And Structural Economics: The Case Of Auction Data |
Schumpeter Lecture | John Sutton - Technology and Market Structure: Theory And History |
Location | Maastricht, The Netherlands |
Programme Chair | Urs Schweizer |
Presidential Address | Roger Guesnerie - Current Challenges For Public Economics |
Marshall Lecture | James Mirrlees - Private Risk And Public Action |
Schumpeter Lecture | Martin Feldstein - Taxes, Goverment Spending, And Economic Growth |
Location | Helsinki, Finland |
Programme Chair | Daniel Cohen |
Presidential Address | Mervyn King - Debt Deflation: Theory And Evidence |
Marshall Lecture | Lars E.O. Svensson - Fixed Exchange Rates: What Have We Learned? |
Schumpeter Lecture | Jean Tirole - On Banking And Intermediation |
Location | Dublin, Ireland |
Programme Chair | John Vickers |
Presidential Address | Martin Hellwig - The Challenge Of Monetary Theory |
Marshall Lecture | Roger Guersnerie - Successes And Failures In Coordinating Expectations |
Schumpeter Lecture | Charles Goodhart - Can We Improve The Structure Of Financial Systems? |
Location | Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Programme Chair | Francesco Giavazzi |
Presidential Address | Assar Lindbeck - Macroeconomic Theory And The Labour Market |
Marshall Lecture | Joseph Stiglitz - Marcoeconomics And Financial Markets |
Schumpeter Lecture | Elhanan Helpman - Endogenous Growth Theory |
Location | Lisbon, Portugal |
Programme Chair | Thorvaldur Gylfason |
Presidential Address | Agnar Sandmo - Economists And The Welfare State |
Marshall Lecture | Nicholas Stern - Public Policy And The Economics Of The Development |
Schumpeter Lecture | Jon Elster - Local Justice: How Instructions Allocate Scarce Resources |
Location | Augsburg, Germany |
Programme Chair | John Sutton |
Presidential Address | Anthony B Atkinson -Public Economics and the Economic Public |
Marshall Lecture | Claude Henry - Microeconomics and Public Decision Making when Geography Matters |
Schumpeter Lecture | Michael Bruno - Economic Analysis and the Political Economy of Policy Formation |
Location | Bologna, Italy |
Programme Chair | John Sutton |
Presidential Address | Edmond Malinvaud - Observation In Macroeconomic Model Building |
Marshall Lecture | Werner Hildenbrand - Facts And Ideas In Microeconomic Theory |
Schumpeter Lecture | Paul Bairoch - The Paradox Of Economic History: 'Economic' Laws And History |
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark |
Programme Chair | Charles Wyplosz |
Presidential Address | Janos Kornai - Individual Freedom And Reform Of The Socialist Economy |
Marshall Lecture | Amartya Sen - Freedom Of Choice: Concept And Content |
Schumpeter Lecture | Assar Linbeck - Individual Freedom And Welfare State Policy |
Location | Vienna, Austria |
Programme Chair | Louis Philips |
Presidential Address | Jacques H. Drèze - Underemployment Equilibria: From Theory To Econometrics And Policy |
Marshall Lecture | Edmond Malinvaud - The Legacy Of European Stagflation |
Schumpeter Lecture | Herbert Giersch - Economic Policies In The Age Schumpeter |